Source code for espaloma.nn.sequential

""" Chain mutiple layers of GN together.
import torch

class _Sequential(torch.nn.Module):
    """Sequentially staggered neural networks. """

    def __init__(
        super(_Sequential, self).__init__()

        self.exes = []

        # init dim
        dim = in_features

        # parse the config
        for idx, exe in enumerate(config):

                exe = float(exe)

                if exe >= 1:
                    exe = int(exe)
            except BaseException:

            # int -> feedfoward
            if isinstance(exe, int):
                setattr(self, "d" + str(idx), layer(dim, exe, **model_kwargs))

                dim = exe
                self.exes.append("d" + str(idx))

            # str -> activation
            elif isinstance(exe, str):
                if exe == "bn":
                    setattr(self, "a" + str(idx), torch.nn.BatchNorm1d(dim))

                    activation = getattr(torch.nn.functional, exe)
                    setattr(self, "a" + str(idx), activation)

                self.exes.append("a" + str(idx))

            # float -> dropout
            elif isinstance(exe, float):
                dropout = torch.nn.Dropout(exe)
                setattr(self, "o" + str(idx), dropout)

                self.exes.append("o" + str(idx))

    def forward(self, g, x):
        for exe in self.exes:
            if exe.startswith("d"):
                if g is not None:
                    x = getattr(self, exe)(g, x)
                    x = getattr(self, exe)(x)
                x = getattr(self, exe)(x)

        return x

[docs]class Sequential(torch.nn.Module): """Sequential neural network with input layers. Parameters ---------- layer : torch.nn.Module DGL graph convolution layers. config : List A sequence of numbers (for units) and strings (for activation functions) denoting the configuration of the sequential model. feature_units : int(default=117) The number of input channels. Methods ------- forward(g, x) Forward pass. """
[docs] def __init__( self, layer, config, feature_units=117, input_units=128, model_kwargs={}, ): super(Sequential, self).__init__() # initial featurization self.f_in = torch.nn.Sequential( torch.nn.Linear(feature_units, input_units), torch.nn.Tanh() ) self._sequential = _Sequential( layer, config, in_features=input_units, model_kwargs=model_kwargs )
def _forward(self, g, x): """Forward pass with graph and features.""" for exe in self.exes: if exe.startswith("d"): x = getattr(self, exe)(g, x) else: x = getattr(self, exe)(x) return x
[docs] def forward(self, g, x=None): """Forward pass. Parameters ---------- g : `dgl.DGLHeteroGraph`, input graph Returns ------- g : `dgl.DGLHeteroGraph` output graph """ import dgl # get homogeneous subgraph g_ = dgl.to_homo(g.edge_type_subgraph(["n1_neighbors_n1"])) if x is None: # get node attributes x = g.nodes["n1"].data["h0"] x = self.f_in(x) # message passing on homo graph x = self._sequential(g_, x) # put attribute back in the graph g.nodes["n1"].data["h"] = x return g