Source code for espaloma.nn.baselines

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import torch

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[docs]class FreeParameterBaseline(torch.nn.Module): """Parametrize a graph by populating the parameters with free `torch.nn.Parameter`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, g_ref): super(FreeParameterBaseline, self).__init__() self.g_ref = g_ref # whenever there is a reference parameter, # assign a `torch.nn.Parameter` for term in self.g_ref.ntypes: for param, param_value in self.g_ref.nodes[term].data.items(): if param.endswith("_ref") and "u" not in param: setattr( self, "%s_%s" % (term, param.replace("_ref", "")), torch.nn.Parameter( torch.zeros_like( param_value.clone().detach(), ) ), )
[docs] def forward(self, g): update_dicts = {node: {} for node in self.g_ref.ntypes} for term in self.g_ref.ntypes: for param, param_value in self.g_ref.nodes[term].data.items(): if param.endswith("_ref"): if hasattr( self, "%s_%s" % (term, param.replace("_ref", "")) ): update_dicts[term][ param.replace("_ref", "") ] = getattr( self, "%s_%s" % (term, param.replace("_ref", "")), ) for node, update_dict in update_dicts.items(): for param, param_value in update_dict.items(): g.nodes[node].data[param] = param_value return g
[docs]class FreeParameterBaselineInitMean(torch.nn.Module): """Parametrize a graph by populating the parameters with free `torch.nn.Parameter`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, g_ref): super(FreeParameterBaselineInitMean, self).__init__() self.g_ref = g_ref # whenever there is a reference parameter, # assign a `torch.nn.Parameter` for term in self.g_ref.ntypes: for param, param_value in self.g_ref.nodes[term].data.items(): if param.endswith("_ref") and "u" not in param: setattr( self, "%s_%s" % (term, param.replace("_ref", "")), torch.nn.Parameter( torch.ones_like( param_value.clone().detach(), ) * param_value.clone().detach().mean() ), )
[docs] def forward(self, g): update_dicts = {node: {} for node in self.g_ref.ntypes} for term in self.g_ref.ntypes: for param, param_value in self.g_ref.nodes[term].data.items(): if param.endswith("_ref"): if hasattr( self, "%s_%s" % (term, param.replace("_ref", "")) ): update_dicts[term][ param.replace("_ref", "") ] = getattr( self, "%s_%s" % (term, param.replace("_ref", "")), ) for node, update_dict in update_dicts.items(): for param, param_value in update_dict.items(): g.nodes[node].data[param] = param_value return g